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Old 06-30-2024, 10:35 PM   #14 (permalink)
The brake pedal is evil
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
No, because we're primarily wired as social creatures, with a subordinate ability to understand physics. The reason society kills the scientists and philosophers is because they dared mention that facts don't care about your feelings.

We would have to find the genes responsible for taking an interest in how things work, probably at the expense of having an interest in social norms and roles, and genetically engineer humans with a disposition towards those attributes. Probably a recipe for disaster, as time has selected humans to generally be interested in social networks over comprehending the nature of reality.
... my wife once left the oven door open on a winter day after baking, saying her mom taught her that trick to utilize the heat. I asked her where she thought the heat went if you don't let it out. She has a masters degree in science, and I almost failed high school.

Trust me, the amount of stupid stuff that I've heard engineers say to me as a trans woman, I'm convinced that most people with STEM degrees don't have 'the knack' or the ability to examine beliefs critically and only have the degree because they got external help (My gender comes into play here because I shorted out a few people's brains early in transition and it pushed a few people's beliefs to the breaking point. People get very mad when you make them realize that their feelings are not facts.)

I'll give you another highlight of people that should know better: I've had a mechanical engineer tell me that a heatpump outputting more heat than you supply it with electrical energy violates the laws of thermodynamics. Had another engineer insisting that because nobody's bothered testing past the 3 year mark for a biological process that by all rights should take a decade, that it means that it's impossible for anything to happen after the 3 year mark... the kicker is that real world data existed directly contradicting them.

I wish every car had on its fuel economy sticker the power or fuel consumption at 75 MPH. Hell, give me the cd and cdA too. It would further incentivize gas cars to have gears optimized for real world freeway speeds and aero packages to match, and electric cars might have 2 speed transmissions and better aero.

Instead, we have engineers that work with aerodynamics for a living acting like it's okay to have something that is shaped like a brick.

I did number crunching on my chevy volt and if I drop the cd a fair bit, I should be able to squeeze 60 or 70 miles at speeds that are good for 30-40 miles and this does not account for Peukert's law.

Less power turned into heat in the battery, more power turned into motion at lower current draws. If I flog my battery hard I get 12kWh out of it, if I baby it I get 14kWh.
Getting sensor data off of a pre OBDII Toyota ECU via TDCL.
All of this is on E10: Project E is my current focus.

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