Originally Posted by j-c-c
For your application, it's very feasible to DIY given access to the materials to use CF. We can discuss further if interested,
I am, but I haven't looked into CF in years. I understand it's essentially just CF cloth, plus resin, and not all that different from fiberglass? It looks like I'd be ordering the cloth from AliExpress, just as I'd be ordering the cut sheets. I'm uncertain what thickness of cloth turns into what thickness of completed carbon fiber board.
The quote came back. 280mm discs as drawn will be $19US shipped each in 1.0mm, and $21.25US each shipped in 1.5mm.
In your opinion, how large would you go with the discs? 280? 305 with notches? 370? I imagine larger discs would be proportionately more expensive.
Originally Posted by maczo
Looks like they clip in between the spokes? This would be excellent. I'm inexperienced with 3d modeling, but I might give this a shot.