Originally Posted by Piotrsko
Research I just did indicated that cooking charcoal to activate it, in a summary, makes the particles smaller (DUH) which increases the surface area related to the particle core. You're correct that it is plain old charcoal
Has the meaning of supercap changed? Back a bit, it meant huge amounts of additional capacitance in a smaller package although at a teeny breakover voltage. Good only for filtering or storage.
yep. Thx for the confirmation.
I seam to recall something about charcoal made from Bamboo being better due to the fiber structure when still alive. Maybe it forms nano-tube-ish type structures or something. Might be worth researching.
I think it has: Way more energy density rather than just power density.
Then theres a whole lot of 'All in one' combo supercap + battery stuff going on.
For me flywheel energy storage is extremely interesting in that it can do 2 things:
Balance an enclosed bike with a total disregard for crosswinds etc
Act as energy storage.
Rev the flywheels up more when coming to a halt and use that juice to pull away again.
+ a small genset for cruise and you're golden.