Originally Posted by aerohead
You're protected under the 1st Amendment, and free to speak your mind, but you're also free to be completely wrong about what you believe, and will find it impossible to find any observable scientific evidence to support your hypothesis.
I have no stake in what the truth is, so I don't care if The Science and I am wrong, however, the science evidence I'm finding suggests humanity originated in Africa based on teeth fossils found.
If you have a better theory and evidence to support it, then I'd be interested to know.
Originally Posted by Piotrsko
The last species of human that tolerated cold well was the Neanderthal. The following species had to figure out protective clothing.
Latest theory is that Neanderthal societies got absorbed instead of dying out.
Makes sense considering some percent of the population (I think like 5%) have DNA linking them to Neanderthals.