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Old 09-23-2024, 03:43 PM   #640 (permalink)
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Scott was on about crypto erasing the national debt again, but he defended the comment as being a starting point to get people thinking of better ideas. In other words, it's not a dumb idea because it's meant to inspire others to come up with a good idea... yet he is critical of Harris' "idea" of stopping inflation via communist price controls. Maybe Harris is merely seeding the imaginations of others of what might be possible?

... or, my take, that they're dumb ideas and it hasn't inspired my imagination to come up with anything other than the tried and true method of not spending/printing money you don't have.

Why is it unacceptable to require our congress people to perform their #1 most important job; to deliver a budget that is in alignment with revenue? All of them should be fired every time they fail their most important #1 job.

If I paid someone to mow the lawn, and instead they spent their time browbeating people about their carbon footprint, I'd not just fire them, I'd make their reputation known so that nobody else would hire them.
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