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Old 11-08-2024, 04:29 PM   #298 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dr. Jerryrigger View Post
I've thought about this (but haven't done anything) and came up with a few possibility:
2- mill gear teeth into your brake disks (2 or 4 of them) and mount a little brushless motor to you strut mount. This would require a lot of machining and you would only be able to gear it for the highway, but that might be okay...
Noise (see straight cut gears)
Wear and lubrication: You want to what? Grease a gear cut in your brake disk? Or run it dry and gratingly load and replace monthly?

Originally Posted by Dr. Jerryrigger View Post
3- (the one I'm considering at the moment, if only I had the $$) A electric assist boat tail trailer. Two birds with one stone. It would be a little hairy having a trailer pushing your car, but with the right linkage it could work out. This idea needs much more planning.
E-motors make sense in town due to recharge on braking.
ie: As town driving is what we all do most, you want the E-motor in the car if you don't want to tow a trailer around town and try find and do parking.

An ICE engine at constant rpm/speed can be made way more efficient than ICE expected to rev from 500 to 6000 rpm.
You can tune ignition and fuel easily, and max efficiency at fixed rpm things like cams, intake tract lengths, tuned length exhaust lengths.

ie: A pusher trailer should not contain an E-motor.
It should contain an efficient ICE without a gearbox.
So direct drive from an ICE or don't do it.
You also get extra space for long trip luggage.

[QUOTE=Dr. Jerryrigger;184798
For manual controlling of the motor; I was thinking a T-handle throttle from a boat would do the trick (and with style), with a switch to put it into a charging circuit for slowing.[/QUOTE]

What are you wanting? Do you want to drive around on the motor alone, with the engine off?
Or do you want engine assist on acceleration and charge on cruise if reqd and regen on braking?

I have posted about a very easy way to get elec assist with no motor control issues here somewhere, using E-bike kit, including their torque sensors.

If you want to drive on elec only; do an elec conversion, keeping the gearbox so a smaller cheaper motor suffices, and put the engine in a 1 wheeled trailer that connects to the car with a large universal joint:

A UV joint allows left and right turns and up and down over bumps, but the only way the trailer can fall over to the side is if it twists the car into falling over with it.
(You may want to stiffen up the car's rear anti roll bar a bit. There are kits for that or its pretty simple to DIY)

One center wheel requires no heavy, power sapping differential.
Run a properly geared chain to the wheel with a freewheel sprocket.
In fact; sell the engine and get a smaller lighter one: you only need around 20kw to cruise.

All this will take some maths and engineer type thinking it through!
But not too difficult if you ask the right questions.
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