I also NB that we are not just discussing (ye right!) friction and wear reduction:
We also need to consider the ~0.5 thickness of this layer:
In a piston and sleeve the play taken up by this
frangible (for lack of a better word) layer is 2 microns in diameter/s...
- What does that do for compression?
- What does it do for the pesky charge hiding in the area enclosed by the piston, sleeve and top ring?
- What does the removal of 2 microns of play with a much smoother surface do to optimize the stock pressurized lubrication of the main etc bearings in an engine? (Yes the electron microscope? pictures do show a smoother surface if you bother to look)
- What happens when you remove 2 microns per link from a run in to somewhat worn cam chain?
- What happens if there is 1 micron less valve clearance?