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Old 11-14-2024, 05:52 PM   #95 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
1) I purchased 'mineral oil'.
2) I purchased ' boric acid .'
3) I've ordered a viscosimeter and am awaiting a call from the supplier.
4) 'Engine friction' has to do with something Dr. Erdemir failed to address in his PATENT abstract.
5) I'll attempt to establish a 'baseline' measurement for that 'only' criteria automotive engine 'friction' is predicated upon ( thanks for nothing Dr. Erdemir ).
6) I'll blend in the 50% by weight boric acid, for the 'modified' colloidal.
7) Then re-test for the new value.
8) Only then, can I 'begin' to think about his, or anyone else's claims.
Ok... let me get this straight;
You want to make a 50-50 mix of oil and Boric Oxide dissolved in boiling water to form Boric Acid and measure its viscosity?

I assume your chosen number of 50% is taken from the initial patent here:
"... In general, the preferred range for oils is about 0.5 to 50% by weight and for greases is about 1-50% by weight with the most preferred range being 1-15% for oils and 1-20% for greases...'

Everyone knows that patents are 'painted with a broad brush' to cover any and all eventualities.
Yet you have chosen a mixture ratio that is NOT in the "most preferred range".
Is that correct???

If so:
Don't bother:
The viscosity will be very similar to a 50-50 mix of oil and water.
At a guess, based on plain old common sense and experience; way too low for properly lubricating an engine.

Which, it is obvious, you have already surmised. As has anyone, with a bit of common sense, reading this.

ie: IF I understand your intent correctly:
The whole experiment is premeditated to fail.
That is perfectly obvious to everyone aerohead.

An experiment concocted to basically test the viscosity of a 50-50 mix of the equivalent of water and oil is not a dastardly clever plan. (to fool everyone reading this)
It's a patently stupid idea to everyone!
How will that make you look!?

The goal of adding Boric Acid to an engine oil is to expose the bearing surfaces, pistons and sleeves, cams, etc to the Boric Acid for long enough for the desired layer/s to form.
At this point it is desirable for any/most excess water to have boiled/evaporated away, leaving said coating.
" initial test of a heaped tablespoon of Boric Acid, stirred into a coffee mug of boiling water...

...I poured it into the pre warmed engine and took off immediately.
I took it very easy as I knew the emulsion was doing nothing for oil thickness..."
ie: A cup full of over saturated Boric Acid in an Engine FULL to the top line on the dipstick of oil.
Nowhere have I recommended a 50-50 mix of oil and water.
You know that right? You did read all that you replied to with the intent to understand rather than simply reply right..!??
Because I, like everyone who has read all this, knows that.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if they are beginning to wonder..!

Last edited by Logic; 11-16-2024 at 12:22 AM..
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