I read a while back that the price of tortillas in some parts of Mexico quadrupled.
You might not think that is a big deal, but tortillas are a huge part of poorer peoples diets and main source of protein.
Imagine if your grocery bill went from $200 to $800. That would be a big deal for me!
The weird thing about ethanol is who's using it. It isn't so much the "alternative fuel thing" as you would think. In the four counties around Milwaukee, pretty much ALL gasoline has had 10% ethanol in it for a few years now due to "clean air laws"
(PS - just so you know, right after they introduced the E10 fuel, my economy dropped from 47 to 30 mpg, and eventually went back up to 35)
What that 10% ethanol really means is that every tenth person is driving around with 10 or 15 gallons of pure ethanol!
I think ethanol has a lot of advantages over gasoline, but it is sad to see it effect food costs.
Hmmm - I really am starting to talk myself into getting some big solar panels, aren't I....