Don't know if I mentioned this already; the Wife's x1 Carbon from 2014 is still going strong. It should, since I paid about $1,200 for it (she was starting a medical program at OHSU). Still, always impressed when a laptop lives a decade of daily use.
My $280 Intel i5 laptop from 2010 is very dead. My cost per year was still less.
Looking to replace my laptop this Black Friday for whatever is the most affordable 14 or 15" with Thunderbolt, so I can use my 3-monitor docking port.
I'm simultaneously building a new desktop rig to run Plex, BlueIris, file server, and VR gaming rig. Need to find a mobo, RAM, and Intel CPU this Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Intel's major update just dropped a few weeks ago, so the deals on that are sparse.