How susceptible to AI manipulation am I, given my proclivity to doubt everything first?
If George Hotz had a publicly traded company, I'd heavily invest. Personal AI might be the only way to counteract AI whose objectives are misaligned. We'll need something to filter out the nearly infinite number of deep fakes that will be generated. Imagine "news" not simply being able to hypnotize people into "fine people", "drink bleach", or "rape" hoaxes, but deep-fake audio/video to finally back their deceit.
George wants an out-of-the-box product you press the on button, and then align it to your objectives.
All that said, I've found Brave AI summaries to be quite useful so far, with little standing out to me as misaligned responses. Then again, I'm asking how many seats a vehicle has, or when someone was born, which has little reason to be manipulated.
Last edited by redpoint5; 12-19-2024 at 02:01 PM..