First time I've heard that interpretation. The one that seems to have the most sticking power is Didn't Earn It.
I don't use incel in a derogatory way toward actual incels for the same reason I don't use 'retarded' in a derogatory way toward mentally handicapped people; that it's involuntary. However, it's probably useful to notice the different trends in behavior from incels. The proper level of analysis is the individual though.
Tangent to the incel topic, my guess is 90% of school shootings would be avoided if once every 6 months, a girl commented that the weirdo had cool shoes, or a nice shirt, or even notice he got a hair cut or something. The comment just has to acknowledge the guy exists in a non-negative way. "you got a haircut" isn't a positive comment, only an acknowledgement that someone noticed a change, which is an acknowledgement of existence. The point is, it doesn't take much to make most guys feel like they're still part of a community instead an abomination.
Speaking of DIE, it's interesting that SA dismissed it initially, and didn't have any issue with it. He probably figured it was something relatively benign, like the sexual harassment "training" people who work for corporations are forced to participate in, as if it had never occurred to someone that not harassing was also an option. I make it a point to pinch a butt in my workplace after such training (I work from home).
Scott goes on to predict that the UK will become a Islamic state. Seems likely given that 'nothing' is not a sufficient guard against 'something'.
He reiterates the point that there are no rules in self-defense.
Apparently all of his works are being counterfeit and sold on Amazon.