This thread took a wild ride while I was away!

I spent a couple of days at Mom's house.
Was there one thread where I wrote more about that than elsewhere?

I have almost everything out of the living room, mostly just a few wall hangings, and Mom's junk on the window seat.
The window seat deteriorated years ago and both my sister and I bought Mom foam to make a new one, but she never did.
I need to send the dimensions to someone on Etsy for a replacement.
I packed up 11 pictures in probably the least time-efficient manner possible.
Uhaul sells a picture kit for $48, but with dozens of framed pictures, that wasn't going to happen.
I ran across a picture of a picture mailer and I couldn't find the mailer anywhere.
The only place I saw it used seemed to use it as a generic picture saying "We ship framed pictures!"
Their kit includes a picture box, styrofoam corners, a strap, 100' of bubble wrap, and 30' of tape.
The amount of bubble wrap each picture would use would vary, since smaller pictures would need more wrap to fill the wake... void.
The box is 37" across; if you put 45" across the top and bottom, one tape would last 12 boxes, so if I am boxing 36 pictures(!), the boxes and styrofoam would cost $572.4, the tape would cost $17.85, and if you just lined the front and back once each way, that would use 128", each roll would last 9 boxes, and bubble wrap would cost $103.96 for a total of $694.21 before tax and $752.73 after.
I cut the top and bottom 2" of medium boxes, cut those in quarters, and taped them around the frame, which I had wrapped with bubble wrap, creating boxes just the right size.
Basically, I turned a $2 box into an uglier version of this $10 box:
My brother had asked to go to Scheel's, where my wife works, and we receive a discount, but Mom insisted on going to Target, and then I asked my brother if he still wanted to go to Scheel's, and he indicated he wanted to stay.
He proudly bought my wife Spiderman sheets and Ninja Turtle sheets for Mom.
He doesn't understand sizes, so they couldn't have used them if they wanted to, but I will return them when I have the chance.
I had him buy me a rotary cutter, which I used to cut up two big boxes, and then cut up 11 moving boxes to make picture boxes.
It took all day, while 11 picture kits would have cost $174.90.
Annoyingly, large boxes aren't larger than mediums, just taller, so I cut the front and back and an additional 2" on each side, which definitely took longer.
Then I put 5-6 boxes in a moving box, filled the voids with cardboard scraps, and then split a bag of their
biodegradable and anti-static corn starch and potato starch packing peanuts.
For the 6 biggest pictures, I bought the kits.
I still have the loft, 3 bookcases, some shelves I bought for my brother, and some pictures in my room, but that is it, and the bathrooms, bedrooms, and kitchen are pretty much empty.
I need to pack the pictures, put the bookcases out front, and post a picture of the loft on Facebook Marketplace saying "Free twin xl loft bed frame if you disassemble and transport it."
There are still a few wall hangings in Mom's room.
I need to wipe down her closet shelves and her bathroom vanity drawers, but I removed everything from her bathroom, and mopped the vanity, the shelf inside, the bathtub, and the floor.
There were four shelves of light bulbs and unopened toothbrushes and toothpaste from the dentist in our bathroom.
There is some random stuff on wire shelves in the laundry room, but I finally cleared and cleaned off the wooden shelves.
That was tons of work.
I finally got virtually all of the feces stuck to the laundry room floor, there are just some random corners I need to clean out.
There was tons of feces in the living room, too, but now it just looks normal dirty... which is a little frustrating after spending several hours cleaning it.
There is still a ton in the garage, but honestly, for a garage, it looks pretty good!
If you moved everything to the side, you might even be able to fit a car in there!
I still need to go through much of the stuff in there, but I am finally at the point where I can plan on cleaning and repairing!
I actually came here to update regarding my computers!
My original Dell desktop:
I am currently using and haven't had any problems except for when the hundreds of tabs I have open in my browser for some reason bogged down everything, so I closed it, and opened my other browser... which has several dozen tabs...
I brought down a monitor so I can start sorting through Event Viewer while I work on a newer computer.
I had the $300 laptop I bought in Oregon in 2017.
I replaced the HD with an SSD and gave it to my nephew, but with a Celeron and 4gb soldered to the motherboard, he gave it right back.
About a year ago, he showed me his computer, and he spent a couple of thousand putting it together.
Unfortunately, he put a password on it.
I found instructions for resetting that through the command prompt, but it also asked me for the password, after I entered my 48-digit BitLocker code just to verify this was my Windows boot disk, not the Ubuntu one.
My laptop is running fine off the original SSD, but I need to install the new one.
It runs fine except the screen flashes the entire time it runs, off 3 different SSDs and Ubuntu and Windows boot media, but if I connect it to an external monitor, the other screen doesn't flash, and sometimes adjusting the brightness adjusts the flashing, and sometimes it stops if it is dark enough
Whenever I try to fix my laptop, I pull up directions on Mom's laptop, and she complains that I use it, while she only uses it to approve hours for my brother-in-law and nephew every two weeks.
I have a long list of things to try with my newer laptop, which I want to pull up on my older laptop, I just need to bypass my nephew's password, but I will just boot into Ubuntu if it takes long.
The newer Dell also seems to be working fine.
Why did I replace it?!
I really haven't used Disco Inferno much, but I need to move the files from the newest Dell to it, and return the newest Dell and my HP shredder.
I finally asked the landlady to fix the hallway bathroom fan and that just descended into chaos.
Her husband, an alleged mechanical engineer, replaced it, but uh...
He replaced the motor, not the entire fan, but he installed it upside-down, so he installed the assembly right-side-up with the bracket upside-down, which of course didn't work, so he drilled holes, attached bits of wood with machine screws, drove wood screws in the corners between the assembly and the box to hold it in place, drove wood screws through more bits of wood into the first layer without drilling pilot holes or tapping the holes, so the wood split.
Then he screwed the cover into the wood.
It looks horrible, sticks out 1" in the front, and more in the back.
When I started disassembling it to see what he did wrong, nuts and washers fell out.
I thought that I fixed everything as much as possible, but it still stuck out too far, so I was trying to to find a cover that fit, and someone explained that the landlord installed the motor the right way, but the bracket the wrong way, so once I reverse the fan, a normal cover will fit--once I cut slots on each size for the springs new covers use.
The motor is where the original mounting screw was, so I don't see how the original cover can be reused.
I planned on bringing my jigsaw from Show Low, but forgot, so I will use a chisel?