Originally Posted by freebeard
Not if you work from first principles. Jevons Paradox is the first entry under See Also on the Wikipedia page. Did you find it there or was it on the tip of your tongue the whole time?
I hadn't visited the wiki yet, but I did read the Bucky article linked. The concept has been incorporated into my understanding long ago (broad concepts stick with me but specifics and jargon do not), but more recently I've been listening to the catastrophist Nate Hagens who has a consistent philosophy and rigorous reasoning, and he mentions Jevons Paradox. Nate also had doomberg on his show, which gives him even more credibility as a person capable of wrestling with ideas. Doomberg of course is more pragmatic and much less catastrophist. Doomberg believes innovation, markets, and adaptation will provide a generally improving future for the next several generations, while Nate predicts doom.