Originally Posted by Logic
Orbital Engine Corp's patents are due to expire or have expired on this, so theres a chance 2-Stroke DI might make a comeback.
Orbital Engines is now AFAIK focusing on the development of some military UAV engines.
Go get the govt or someone to sponsor it for freeeeee!! (Not A chance!)
And BTW I also want $300! ...er... for the time and trouble of fitting it"
Maybe it would make more sense (commercially) to introduce such system in a country where 2-stroke motorcycles have been mostly relegated to leisure, where enthusiasts tend to be more supportive to such experiences. Had some countries such as Colombia never banned the registry of new 2-stroke motorcycles in 2008 IIRC, I'm sure some of those die-hard 2-stroke enthusiasts would rather be OK with direct injection instead of a mandated switch to a 4-stroke.