Factors Affecting Fuel Economy
* Auto-Stop-Start........................................... 7.5% mpg gain
* Clogged oil filter.......................................... 1-mpg loss
* Cold-Start vs Fully-warmed driving................ 20% mpg loss
* Cold Tires ( 70-F )....................................... 8% reduced mpg
* Complete elimination of engine friction (WLTC) 2.08% mpg gain
* 18-mph crosswind at 50-mph........................ 2% reduced mpg
* Driving at 10-mph compared to 20-mph......... 36% reduced mpg
* Driving at 50-F compared to 70-F.................. 5% reduced mpg
* Driving at 20-F compared to 70-F.................. 11% reduced mpg
* Driving 55-mph vs 45-mph........................... 10% reduced mpg
* Dual-speed engine accessory drive ( FORD )... 0.5 mpg gain
* 18-mph headwind at 50-mph........................ 17% reduced mpg
* Idling for 3-minutes..................................... 1-mile of driving lost
* 1% weight Mos2 dispersed in oil ( 1963-1974 ) 4.4% mpg gain
* 28% Overdrive transmission......................... 19% mpg gain
* 5% engine parasitic friction reduction............. 1% mpg gain
* Rain ( enough to leave 'tracks' ).................... 1.0-mpg loss
* Reduced-tension piston-rings........................ 1-2% mpg gain
* Roller-cam............................................... ... 1-2%-mpg gain Highway
* Roller-cam............................................... ... 2-4% mpg gain CITY
* SAE10W-30 changed to SAE5W-30................. 1.2% mpg gain
* SAE10W-40 changed to SAE5W-30................. 2.0% mpg gain
* SHELL Rotella T6 Syn Diesel oil 15W-40 changed to 5W-40= 1.5% mpg gain
* SE motor oil at 6,000-miles compared to 'new' 3.4% mpg loss
* Stop and Go driving..................................... 100% reduced mpg
* Stuck thermostat........................................ . 7% reduced mpg
* Tuneup............................................ ........... 11% reduced mpg
* Under-inflated tires...................................... 3% reduced mpg
* 5% weight gain........................................... 1% mpg loss
* Wheel alignment......................................... . 2% mpg loss
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/