I love a good tail wind!
81.8 mpg (US) / 2.88 L/100 km @ 39 mph average speed over 50 mi / 80 km (includes sub/urban driving on either end).
The entire round trip details put it in sober perspective though:
100 mi / 160 km r.t., secondary rural roads, in breezy conditions (17 mph / 27 km/h, with higher gusts). Driving with load (DWL) was the main technique, with some engine off coasting at either end, where appropriate.
I seriously thought there was something wrong with the car on the first (head wind) leg. I checked the parking brake twice! DWL, I was nowhere close to the rough "70 at 70" target (70 mpg US at 70 km/h (43.5 mph)) I sometimes use as a guide.
The whole picture:
First leg was pretty lousy: 65 mpg (US) / 3.6 L/100 km
Round trip came in at 72.4 mpg (US) / 3.25 L/100 km
The return leg sure was fun though!