This file is able to be read by machining programs and many 3D design and animation programs.
In this file, the center circle and six holes around it are specific to the particular motor I used.
The outside holes and general shape of the plate are specific to the Geo Metro/Suzuki Swift 5-speed manual transmission.
Mine was from a '96 car. The second transmission I used was from an unknown year, but was exactly the same. I don't know if they ever made any changes to the transmission, and thus would need to mark this plate as for 19XX-19XX model years.
This drawing needs to be modified so that the concave notch (for the passenger-side wheel driveaxle) is about 3/8th inch bigger - that is to say that I later had to cut off about 3/8ths more later from the plate because there wasn't enough room to fit the axle back in when I tried to hook it all up in the car!
It would also be nice to mark the center of the inside circle on this drawing. The center of that circle is the location of the transmission driven shaft. That's good to know, because the tranny shaft is NOT centered in the transmission!!!