I don't know about making money right this minute-but if you wait until you're done before releasing the DVD you should have one heck of a presentation as well as 'proof of concept'(the finished vehicle). If you know how to include File Folders on a DVD (for the DVD-Rom drive) as an Extra, you could include Links to the manufacturers you used-for a possible Advertising fee from same. Add in any Schematics for wiring, any homeade controllers/converters and Templates you used in the process, and you would definitely have a nice, salable package!
In the meantime, do you have a private Blog/Website you can link these videos to? If so, A Paypal donation button would help defray your expenses a bit. Youtube doesn't allow direct Weblinks, I don't know whether Metacafe has a similar policy or not...if they do allow it, Direct Link to the Website (and Paypal Link) from Metacafe would be the way to go.