I haven't really figured out the total cost, but below is a list of what I have figured so far with using past data from driving before I really started to pay attention to fuel economy.
$48.00 per tank @ $3.00 per gallon
2 tanks of gas per month = $96.00
Oil Change every 3 months is about $15.00
New Tires = ~$45 / tire
Other then that I'm not sure about expenses really. I'm fortunate enough that my parents still pay for my insurance so for that I would need to ask them what it is per quarter. I know that on the 1985 Camry I was insured on previously it was ~$1000 per year though so I would think this would be around the same.
The car also came from my grandmother so it was free, which is always nice.
So to date I have probably spent a total of about
$90 for 2 new tires
$480 for gas since I got it in August (figuring average of 2 tanks per month)
$30 for 2 oil changes since I got the car
~$20 for new windshield wiper blades
Total: $620.00 before insurance
I also know that there was a lot of maintenance work done to it when we first got it which I believe equaled around $1800 or so because there were a few things broken in the engine from the years of improper maintenance.