01-28-2008, 12:47 AM
#21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NoCO2
I live in Georgia where the weather, unfortunately, is rather unpredictable.
I'll trade you locations!
I live on my college campus which is in a pretty commercial area so everything I need to live can be found within a 5 mile radius easily.
Very nice. Sounds like other than the commute to your job, you would be a prime candidate for living without a car (no pressure! lol). Have you ever investigated how much your costs you per month with the little driving you do?
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01-28-2008, 01:01 AM
#22 (permalink)
Dartmouth 2010
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I moved the posts over here for you, peakster,
01-28-2008, 01:05 AM
#23 (permalink)
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Fantastic. Vlog #2 should be coming around in the next few weeks.
Last edited by Peakster; 01-28-2008 at 01:14 AM..
01-28-2008, 01:24 AM
#24 (permalink)
Bicycle Junky
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I haven't really figured out the total cost, but below is a list of what I have figured so far with using past data from driving before I really started to pay attention to fuel economy.
$48.00 per tank @ $3.00 per gallon
2 tanks of gas per month = $96.00
Oil Change every 3 months is about $15.00
New Tires = ~$45 / tire
Other then that I'm not sure about expenses really. I'm fortunate enough that my parents still pay for my insurance so for that I would need to ask them what it is per quarter. I know that on the 1985 Camry I was insured on previously it was ~$1000 per year though so I would think this would be around the same.
The car also came from my grandmother so it was free, which is always nice.
So to date I have probably spent a total of about
$90 for 2 new tires
$480 for gas since I got it in August (figuring average of 2 tanks per month)
$30 for 2 oil changes since I got the car
~$20 for new windshield wiper blades
Total: $620.00 before insurance
I also know that there was a lot of maintenance work done to it when we first got it which I believe equaled around $1800 or so because there were a few things broken in the engine from the years of improper maintenance.
01-28-2008, 01:34 AM
#25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NoCO2
I'm fortunate enough that my parents still pay for my insurance...
The car also came from my grandmother so it was free, which is always nice.
Double-score! I got my '91 T-Bird from my Grandma as a gift as well, which I then sold for $1,800. I guess then you could say that I only spent $500 on the Geo, but that's getting a little complex .
How about things like car-washes and air filters? Any repairs done at all? Do you get parking for free?
Every time I thought I finally found all the expenses of my car, I found more! It was pretty outrageous.
01-28-2008, 01:38 AM
#26 (permalink)
Bicycle Junky
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Parking is included in my school's tuition fee thankfully so that's nothing, once again, and I don't really take my car to the car wash that often (the paint is all powdery from years of neglect sitting on the shores of eastern Florida) and I have replaced the air filter once which was like $15 I think or something like that....wow, I guess I'm just lucky with these car expenses when I compare then to other people's
01-28-2008, 08:28 AM
#27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bennelson
Here is an older but extremely relevant link about cars versus bicycle costs:
Originally Posted by Peakster
I certainly hope so. I think it would be fantastic if I got some video responses of people doing the same thing. Misery love company you know .
I may make some postings about mine but I don't have the capabilities for video posts really, so that glory will be all yours I'm probably going to spend another month looking for the perfect bicycle while I remain buried in snow.
I look forward to vlog#2
01-28-2008, 10:40 AM
#28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bennelson
If you figure all the money you spend on a car, and instead invested it into a retirement account, you will be set!
Here is what Dave Ramsey has to say about car payments:
True cost of cars video
Wow, that video was awesome! Although saving money in a mutual fund with 12% return is pretty optimistic .
Originally Posted by GenKreton
That too is a pretty cool webpage I love this quote:
Some cyclists have told me that I shouldn't even argue the cost issue, as it will do nothing to encourage people to ride. I doubt if anyone is going to completely change his or her way of life from an analysis of the costs alone...
Lol! Well I guess there's now at least one person who's planning to change his life because of costs .
For a true appraisal of the total costs, there are indirect and hidden costs for motor vehicles that are not included in the above figures, which either the owner or someone else must pay. To illustrate, let's follow a car owner to work. She first goes out to her car. If it is in a garage, she either has to pay rent or she had to purchase the garage. If the garage is part of her house, the cost is even greater. If she parks in or uses a driveway, she had to pay that cost plus maintenance, or if she parks in the street, the city must bear the cost, which increases property or sales taxes.
Holy moly. Talk about an eye-opener! It's so true, people with garages in my city pay significantly higher property taxes than the small portion of people who do not (not to mention that a house with a garage will have a higher mortgage payment than one without). Craziness!
Last edited by Peakster; 01-28-2008 at 11:07 AM..
01-28-2008, 01:41 PM
#29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Peakster
That too is a pretty cool webpage ...
Lol! Well I guess there's now at least one person who's planning to change his life because of costs .
If you have some time, that webpage is pure gold. It is worth reading about some of his other opinions and adventures! Unfortunately Ken died in an accident years ago, but luckily for us, a friend is maintaining it in its original form. Ken is one of my primary motivators to actually go forth and try bicycling, like yourself, as a replacement for a car completely. I bet he would be happy to know he has helped convert at least two
02-01-2008, 11:11 PM
#30 (permalink)
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Hello. Just to let everyone know I made Vlog #2 and posted it just under my first vlog on this thread. Enjoy