SuperTrooper - thanks for posting this, I'm another EastCoaster that believes that Kamen is on the right track.
I don't understand the Kamen / Deka bashing bandwagon that people hop on to, perhaps it is human nature to be jealous and bitter - I just don't see what that gets you.
Let's say GM did have a working version of the Hybrid car 38+ years ago good for them - will they still be in business 30 odd years in the future - maybe with a Gov. bail out they will make it to 2010!
The more important aspect of the story is that advanced technology applied to a Stirling Engine is possible. Think beyond transportation, I have a Solar hot water system on my house that at times provides surplus BTUs - how great would it be to tap that and have a grid tied Stirling generator to off set my electricity use via Net-metering which is already established in most states. Add a plug-in electric ride to the mix and it almost sounds to good to be true.
Remember there is NO silver bullet - but there is silver buckshot.
If you think something can not be done please stay out of the way of those of us that are doing it.