Originally Posted by dichotomous
as far permanent/rare earth magnets, any magnet that does NOT derive its magnetic field from an electrical current is permanent,
Fixed that for ya
youtube up parendev motor or howard johnson magnet motor and you can see some that appear to work well, the hojo model even running an alternator at pretty high speed.
I see things spinning - and no reason to believe without external inputs.
As James's said - magnetism is conservative... A sum zero force. Mind you, that's not sum zero power - there's no "conservation of power" - you'll always get less than what you put in.
Thermo Laws
1. You can only change the form of energy
2. Losses of an isolated system increase over time
3. As you approach absolute zero, entropy approaches a constant minimum
1. You can't "make" energy"
2. You Can't Win
3. Entropy is temperature related... And you can't win.