Originally Posted by trebuchet03
Fixed that for ya
I see things spinning - and no reason to believe without external inputs.
As James's said - magnetism is conservative... A sum zero force. Mind you, that's not sum zero power - there's no "conservation of power" - you'll always get less than what you put in.
Thermo Laws
1. You can only change the form of energy
2. Losses of an isolated system increase over time
3. As you approach absolute zero, entropy approaches a constant minimum
1. You can't "make" energy"
2. You Can't Win
3. Entropy is temperature related... And you can't win.
I belive magnetic field's and permanent magnets will be rewriting the "laws" of physics, remember once that the rock solid laws of physics stated that the sun revolved around the earth, they are only our best understanding and most commonly understood and accepted theories.
not that I have figured this all out, but I'm sure someone who understands or has enough money to play with models and stuff could, if I had figured it out I wouldnt be posting under a real account with a real email, the same people who sell energy wont want us figuring out how to produce it ourselves, they'd loose theoretical money.