Originally Posted by Daox
I voted for all of them except these two:
I don't do this this for financial reasons at all.
O.C.D. O! C! D! OCDOCDOCDOCD - I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. I'm not ocd. Okay, I really did clicked it.
It's not O.C.D., it's called C.D.O. - THE LETTERS HAVE TO BE IN ORDER, DANGIT!
I'm doing it to save money, for the modding aspect, and the challenge. Ever since I was a kid big enough to sit up front in the passenger seat, driving has been a game to me.