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Old 12-07-2008, 12:52 AM   #18 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Northwest Lower Michigan
Posts: 1,006

Red Car - '89 Chevrolet Celebrity CL 4 door
Team Chevy
90 day: 36.47 mpg (US)

Winter Wagon - '89 Pontiac 6000 LE Wagon
90 day: 28.26 mpg (US)
Thanks: 8
Thanked 17 Times in 16 Posts
84% here. Could be because of all the time I spend on the road going downstate and back for my daughter.

Not sure about the yellow light question either, but the numbers do add up to making an unneccessary panic stop, or not stopping and making it through the light legally. Yellow lights are way too short.

I also think there is a difference with the radio station question. I put steering wheel radio controls in the wagon, and it is a world of difference rather than having to try to reach for and look at the radio. But most of the time I dont listen to the radio anyway, so thats what I put.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver
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