Let's be clear here.
I am NOT trying to get the entire car to 70℉ or more. Mostly what I am trying to do is figure a way to bring some heat with me from my wall outlet through a means other than a 12V battery, which is itself suffering from reduced voltage due to the cold.
I would like to design a system which can warm up the car ahead of time, and then bring some additional heat which can be run out the defroster onto the windshield to keep it from fogging up.
I would imagine that pre-heating some amount of liquid - water, anti-freeze, mineral oil, etc, and then running it through the heater core would give me some heat for a while. I am guessing it wouldn't be a ton of heat and not for too long. I would depend on the type and amount of transfer liquid.
I could then also have a secondary heating element (or possibly the same one, just wired different) which would take power from either my main 72V battery pack, or a secondary 12V battery, which could continue to heat the liquid medium while I am on the road.
Of course all the specifics here have to be worked out. That's why I am tinkering with this, seeing what works, and what doesn't.
I already am wearing warm clothing. I am really not too cold from driving. Mostly defogging is the issue, as a safety concern about being able to see the road.