Originally Posted by Nevyn
Sounds rather similar to the folks that swear by the theory that acetone in proper quantity provides MASSIVE fuel economy + performance boost. supposedly, it lowers the surface tension of the gasoline, thus making it easier to burn as it's less likely to "droplet."
I don't know where the claims of acetone mileage improvements come from, and I am sceptical to say the least. If it did provide such improvements it would seem very easy to prove it, and no one has. The ethanol study however, was a real, published technical study by qualified researchers.
And Christ is right - my thinking was that a cheaper fuel that got the same MPG would decrease my cost per mile... or even a 10% cheaper fuel that got 5% less MPG would do the same. Although he is technically correct, I would not follow christ in calling it "increasing gas mileage". When people talk about gas mileage they really mean fuel mileage. Using the term gas mileage to parse out the gasoline component of a fuel mixture is unnecessarily confusing.