Originally Posted by Peter7307
Leading on from the "Aluminium Radials" thread on this board.
In the 1970's Citroen experimented with Carbon fibre wheels for their SM model.
Sadly little progress seems to have been made since then.
Does any one know of a source for these for road cars?
And why do F1 , Indy cars etc not use them?
Cheers , Pete.
F1 & Indy race cars have many Carbon Fiber components but no CF wheels because
... given this characteristic of CF to delaminate (essentiall shatters into shards and dust, much like glass would) it is much too risky to use it for the wheels of an open wheeled race car capable of speeds in excess of 300km/h. Given the high potential for contact of all sorts in open wheel racing, I can’t imagine seeing a car traveling at those speeds and having it’s wheels delaminate from an impact and essentially turn into dust leaving only the rubber behind.
Carbon fiber is beyond EXPENSIVE.

Up to $59 per yard.
Carbon Fiber/Graphite from Aircraft Spruce
The CF wheel in the attachment weighs 6.1 lbs. and cost $4000 per wheel.