Originally Posted by Cd
Anyone can build a 'dirt cheap' EV if they are lucky enough to find the parts for 'dirt cheap'.
You've seen this, right:
It’s a Trend! 3 Dirt Cheap DIY Electric Cars | Hypermiling, Fuel Economy, and EcoModding News - EcoModder.com
Three dirt cheap EV's (3, actually, if you count the $800 Yugo that inspired the ForkenSwift) kind of suggests it's not just about luck.
Luck is only part - and I'd argue a
smaller part - of finding deals on the parts you need.
Patience is far more important. Determination helps too.
The ForkenSwift gross cash outlay was in the neighbourhood of $2k. The net cost was halved by selling left over parts from the forklift, recycling its chassis, and selling left over ICE parts from the cars.