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Old 12-22-2008, 12:55 AM   #86 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: indiana
Posts: 233

Iwishthiswasamanual - '98 Ford Escort ZX2
90 day: 32.95 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by Tygen1 View Post
Sounds like your under tray is working, at least to keep your temps up. I think we got a team going here. You try some mods, I'll try others. That way we can eliminate the bad ones and find the good ones faster
I wouldn't go any hotter than 225, it can take more, but you risk getting hot spots that could cause trouble. You gotta realllly over heat it to warp the head. I would try this under tray on my car right now, but without the scangauge, I don't want to take a chance. So I'm relying on you to gather data
Here's a couple pics of the begining of the manual shifter. The four switchs are, the 4PST switch is to switch from auto to manual, the 3PDT is 1st to 2nd, the DPDT is 2nd to 3rd, the SPDT is 3rd to 4th. The extra switch pictured is for the Torque converter lock up, which I am not hooking up yet, one thing at a time. I kinda messed up the switch placement, I'll go back later, after it's working, and get that all straightened out and looking nice. Besides, I gotta make sure it's ergonomic and easy to use before I obsess over looks. Of course the Led's are to indicate which gear you are in. I'll do a full write up in the Sucess Stories, assuming it is successfull
Well I can't hardly say if it worked for mpgs. Trip back was about negative 5f. So I can't really expect the engine to be running very easily. Bit of wind too. Trip back was only 31.5 mpg. Usually can net at least 34-35.

Needs more tape too. Concern is bumper sloping to bottom of stock radiator air dam or to the bottom of radiator so that stock radiator air dam still hangs down?

That looks way nice. I'm anxious to hear how it works out!
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