Originally Posted by metroschultz
My wifes Avalon works like Daox' Matrix.
9999 in DFC mode, but rolling (albeit high) mileage with EOC.
I checked, and it's not even doing 9999 in DFCO. It showed between .2 - .5 gph, and seemed to change relative to engine RPM.
But it
was reporting OPEN LP in DFCO and switching back over to CLSD LP when the RPM dropped low enough for fuel injection to resume.
Originally Posted by cfg83
Question: When you EOC in the Corolla, what does the RPM parameter report?
When I key off, it freezes at whatever RPM the engine was at, but drops to zero when I immediately key back on.
Originally Posted by groar
If MPG = 10 MPH then GPH = 0.1.
You're right: it was reporting 0.1 gph with the engine off and the key on.
Originally Posted by dcb
Is there anything in xgauge or other newer functionality that can allow you to add some custom display logic (i.e. if rpm < 100 then mympg=9999)?
Not sure - but this is a SG1.
I'm pretty sure Daox is using a SG2 though (no xgauge / add-a-gauge feature).
I do wonder if this has anything to do with the way the engine is stopped, ie. if it were a kill switch, would it handle it differently? Not really a big concern, since I don't drive this car often. But for others who do...