This clearly makes drivers with efficient cars subsidize SUV drivers. That seems way wrong to me.
I have an EZ-Pass transmitter assigned to my car that transmits data when I go through toll booths. The toll booth knows the size of the car the transmitter is assigned to, so bigger vehicles pay higher tolls. By having similar transmitters send vehicle data to the gas pump it would seem easy enough to charge a variable per-mile tax based on the vehicle. That way a fuel efficient car could be charged less tax per mile than an SUV. Or, the per-mile charge could be associated with vehicle weight. There are any number of ways that are better than just mindlessly charging every car the same per mile tax.
What a boon to the trucking industry a one size fits all tax would be! Wonder who is behind the idea?
Last edited by instarx; 12-30-2008 at 10:25 AM..