Interesting thread.
Some real world experience to help bring things into perspective:
My Honda Insight has a drop down electrically powered wheel for EV operation.
I used a 4:1 reduction to a 12" scooter wheel.
Mikes Insight - MIMA Honda Insight Modified Integrated Motor Assist Tour De Sol
Finding The Best Hybrid Mix - MIMA Honda Insight Modified Integrated Motor Assist Tour De Sol
At full rpm on the e-tek motor, I can go 30 MPH.
The acceleration with current limited to 200A @48V is reasonable on a downhill standing start, pretty slow on flat ground, and very slow on an up hill start.
I will not try to start when stopped at a light as the people behind me will get nasty since I may cause them to miss the light with the slow acceleration.
I tend to use the e-wheel for cruising at 30 MPH with my gas engine off, and can get 30-40 miles on a charge.
In hub wheels without any gearing that would accelerate a caravan at reasonable speed would use 400-1000A, requiring a huge battery and high current controller, and as stated above, the unsprung weight issues could make handling on bumpy roads unsafe.
I hope to add an electric drive to my dodge caravan, but will do it with an e-wheel trailer.
E-wheel for any vehicle - MIMA Honda Insight Modified Integrated Motor Assist Tour De Sol
An idea that I will be pursuing soon as a drive system for converting any FWD vehicle to electric, is to use a modified Prius drive system and power Inverter, which can be purchased form a junkyard for $500-$1000.
EV Insight with a Prius heart - MIMA Honda Insight Modified Integrated Motor Assist Tour De Sol
This drive has an automotive quality forced oil lubricated dual electric motor drive with a built in 3:11 reduction and differential ready for the CV shafts to the wheels, and a liquid cooled high power AC drive inverter with regen. All that is required is to externally generate the 3 phase drive signals.
Happy new year, and keep on ecomodding, we need it.