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Old 01-03-2009, 09:43 PM   #35 (permalink)
PaleMelanesian's Disciple
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I am browsing the site for a useful additive, and came across this thread...just prior to this, I was searching for acetone references...

Don't get me wrong, today is my fill-up day after a month long gap, so was gathering all info I could to further improve my mpg ratings...

There seems to be some reactionary bias to the attitude prevailing on the fora here... trikkonceptz (hopefully the spelling is right) was the one who was trying to tell that he was getting some 3 mpg advantage using acetone, and he was mauled almost to death for saying that. But in this thread I see that everyone is blithely talking about the additive of his/her own choice, without substantiating anything about it, neither through fuel logs, nor through demonstrable experiments. And those experiments that did show improvements with acetone were attributed to placebo effect, etc etc.

Can we have some objective support to the claims made for various additives discussed here, so I can make up my mind as to what to zero on for my next tank? Thanks in advance!!
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