Id like to know how it turns out. Honestly I looked at those same displays, and thought about getting one to match the gauges in my 6000 wagon. I was thinking a red reverse one would be like an alarm clock, too red for my Pontiac. So I was thinking reverse orange would be closer. But then I just went and tried the stock green one from the kit. It is hard to see in the daytime. Thankfully 90% of my driving in the wagon is at night.
Attached is the one I used in my Celebrity. It is a gray-green background, green backlight, and indigo lettering. It was a nonstandard display, with no true backlight control, but it dims some at timeout and pulses like the lights on a car with a high powered stereo. I absolutely love this display. It is just as easy to read in the brightest sun as in the dark, and everything in between.