Originally Posted by Tygen1
No snow for me, yet, and the lowest temps we've seen is +7 F. So I feel warm compared to you
I've found a couple great places to coast on my commute, about 6 miles of combined coasting and just generally getting better at hypermilling has helped. I've also started to coast up to stoplights and such. I figured winter would kill my mpg's and didn't think gains were possible. This tank was almost 4 mpg better than the last tank and it was a little colder out.
I've never tried the fuel cut thing, without scangauge I would never know when to do it. But now that you say it only works above 45 mph, then maybe I'll try that too. I'm assuming you are refering to shifting from OverDrive to Drive to achieve fuel cut?
No. Fuel cut off is automatic when you left of the gas. Shuts off once you get under 45 mph. But when you throw it in neutral fuel cut off does not engage. I've never really figured out which is better. Coast, throw in neutral under 45. Or just neutral the whole time. Probably no difference as you'd make up extra distance with neutral vs fuel cut off.