Big EV day today.
I visited the only official electric car dealership in Wisconsin.
I saw another forklift motor.
I saw a Miata with a poor engine.
I removed the first electric motor from "forky".
This morning I visited Chris in West Allis (Milwaukee, WI). He is a Zap dealer, and has one Zebra in his scooter show on display. It really reminds me quite a bit of the Citicar. The main difference is that it has a modern PWM controller (Alltrax) and is a three-wheeler, so it gets around the NEV laws. Still doesn't go super-fast - about 35 mph at its stock 72 volts. Fast enough to get around though.
I also stopped out to see Greg - I guy I met through Craigslist in reply to my ad looking for poormans EV parts.
We shoved a whole pile of things out of his garage to get a better look at what's left of the forklift he has. It has a MONSTER drive motor in it, but the ID plate is unreadable.
He also has a Miata for sale, which I thought has potential for being a really cool little EV. But after looking at it, I think it needs more of a restoration than a conversion.

When I got home, I had just enough time to remove the smallest forklift motor (power steering pump motor) and remove the plate to view the controller before the snow hit.
My wife just got home and said we are supposed to get 20" of snow tonight.
More misc photos available at my
photo page
PS: Darin is stalking me on other forums