Originally Posted by trikkonceptz
Well seeing this post I began digging for LED lights to see if they made them comparable to the CF's I had ... Well they do and they are rated identically to the CF's and are cheaper per unit. Power difference;
520 watts for four CF's
6 watts for 3 LED fixtures
Grant it, I need three more to complete the lighting in the tank, but 12 watts vs 520 is a no brainer.
Once I am completely set up the unanswered question is whether or not corals will grow under these new lights, many say no because the lights will not penetrate as deep as others.
I say because the lights generate virtually no heat, I can keep corals closer to the surface, with better water flow and still give them the intensity they need. Time will tell and I will include pics of how the project progresses.
BTW these bulbs are rated @ 10000K and the blues at 460nm each bulb consuming .5w in a 4 bulb arrangement.
Hey Trikk, they actually make LED lights for sw aquriums that can grow coral. They are very expensive though!
Marinedepot.com Search results for 'pfo solaris'
I know that I read a DIY once where a fella made an LED light fixture for a very small sw aquarium. It seemed to work well. He used the white LEDs and mixed in a few blue ones for more color. I can't remember his name but I believe it was on reefcentral.com if you want to search for it..