Since I had a few spare strings of LED X-Mas lights, I was wondering what else I could do with them.
They are ideal for something that needs not too much light, but is on all the time.
Hmmmm. How about my aquarium light?
If I had a good way to point all the individual LEDs straight down into the fish tank, they might light it up fine.
The first thing to do was scrounge my garage for material. I need something thick enough to drill into and insert the LEDs. A soft material would be ideal, as it would have some give to it.
Scrap foam! Perfect!
I roughly measured the area of the fish tank to cut the foam to.
The light string has 40 LEDs, and I wanted them spaced even in two rows. So I magic markered the half point (20 on each side) and two rows (10 on each side) and divided that in half (5).
Then all I had to do is drill 5 holes, roughly evenly spaced in each area I had marked out.
Start at one end and stuff LEDs into the holes.
Put on fish tank and turn on!
Total time: about half an hour.
Total cost:
Scrap foam - free (already had)
LED string light - $2
2 bucks for custom LED lighting! Not bad!