Originally Posted by MetroMPG
3) A weird rubbery squeak/graunch type sound when the drivetrain is loaded up abruptly from a stop. It's either a motor/tranny mount complaining or the rubber spider in the motor/tranny coupler. Need to investigate.
It's a transmisison mount on the driver's side "frame rail". There seems to be a lot of play in the big rubber bushing, plus it makes the funny sound when the drivetrain is torqued up.
Question is: do those bushings fail and allow excessive play? Or am I just hearing a new noise with potentially the same amount of play that was there before?
The neat thing is with an electric car, I could test this by myself:
- put it in reverse, pull the hand brake hard, switch the key on
- get out, open the hood & activate the potbox arm to repeatedly load up the drivetrain while watching engine mounts & other stuff move around.
Try that with a (manual transmission) gasser!