OK! Why don't we give this a try?
Let's begin by taking nominations.
Feel free to nominate your own stuff, (if it's worthy!). Any mod or test, regardless of when it was started, that has had any
significant new development in the last 3 months is eligible.
Then we'll vote via a poll in a couple of days.
Depending on how this goes, we'll likely tighten up the nomination criteria for February, and/or decide whether we'll go with monthly/bi-monthly/quarterly etc. I suspect in northern hemisphere summertime, we'll have more to choose from than we currently do.
I'm going to quote treb's words here. I think they serve as a good gauge for what qualities make a mod/test "worthy":
* Quality
* Elegance/implementation
* Attention to testing practices
* Documentation
* Novel?
Personally, I rank implementation and quality over novelness. I'd rather see a "B" idea implemented well than an "A" idea implemented like crap. And of course, documentation documentation documentation