Lots of these things are partly present in newer low consumption cars in France

- Upper front grill is minimal and lower front grill is partially blocked (less for diesel which has the turbo cooler).
- Wipers are hidden behind the hood
- 6 speeds gear are an options more and more common
- LRR are often by default (Michelin Energy Saver) and I have seen a commercial saying that the FE is measured with these tires
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
* Rework the overall shape of the vehicle to reduce drag. Cd of 0.16-0.25 are achievable!
The comments I heard on TV about the Prius III & Insight II tell me that these low Cd cars will not be accepted by people. They were saying that they hopped that the new versions were going to look like cars but they are always bad looking.
The French sedan corresponding to the Prius (Citroen C4 berline or Renault Laguna) have a Cd of 0.29, ie 16% more drag and 13% more fuel consumption at highway speed... but it seams that people and journalists can't understand that... They just want the sport look with huge front grill, huge wheels (with their air blenders

The comments about the Econ mode and the Efficiency display of the Insight II were all negative ("no interest", "ridiculous game"...).
The only positive comment about the Insight II was that the electric system is only an assistance to the ICE so there is less batteries, less weight and more room...
The more I ecodrive, the more I love low Cd cars

and the more I want my car to be as efficient at coasting in high speed than it's in low speed.