I'm lost...
Originally Posted by Ryland
air plains do the same thing and they have a 2nd alternator that can drop down that does run of the wind to power the controls when the engines start on fire and die but they hope never to have to use that.
also the wind at the front of the car is going to be very turbulent, as it is being compressed as it trys to move around the front of the car
This says a second alternator drops down to produce aux power from wind. When I said turbine, I meant a device with blades shaped like airfoils that convert wind energy to electrical energy. Maybe I should have said windmill
Also, the air IS compressed at the front but it is so small that it is considered incompressible. When you get to Mach 0.3 is when the compressibility of air is significant enough to include it in any mathematical calculations. It should be fairly linear though.
If you placed the turbine in front of the radiator... you would be using dynamic pressure that would be impacting the vehicle anyway. That might be worth testing.... Anywhere else would be hurting you pretty bad.