I'm not sure about adding a battery to the string AFTER the controller.
Sounds like trouble. Also, since there are at least three cables connecting the batteries, motor, and controller, I am not quite sure where you would actually want to add that battery in.
I wanted to take my controller totally OUT of the equation, so that I DONT fry the controller.
I will have to do some testing on limiting amps, because my batteries are NOT happy pulling that many through - can you say Puekert Effect?
No, really, can you? I have no idea how you pronounce it. Lets just say that when you pull amps fast, your batteries run out even faster.
I actually pulled over on the way back just to rest the batteries for a bit.
I e-mailed a couple guys saying what I did, and one response was good enough that I need to repost it here.
Be carefull sounds like another ticket. You speed deamons could make us ev'rs look dangerous like those bikers! OOPS you are a biker also. HA HA.