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Old 02-19-2009, 12:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Moly Gear Oil Additive Sources? Redline MTL or ???

I am looking at reducing the weight of the rearend differential grease and the weight of the oil in the manual transmissions of both my Subaru 360 and my fathers Miles ZX40, the ZX40 calls for SAE80 weight oil in the tranny, not sure of anything other than Redline MTL that would be similar.

Anyway I cannot locate a reliable source of moly oils or moly oil addivitives, I ended up buying a bunch of old QX-700 moly additive for the crank but was told it works in the rearend differential as well, I was not told I could add it to a manual transmission. I would like to find some Moly alternatives! If anyone knows of any please share, I have been told it is common knowledge that moly improves rolling resistance on the DIY electric forum, yet good luck finding it. ALso on the subaru 360 many members of the subaru group use some type of moly oil, I would assume SAE 80 is also the proper tranny oil for it as it is the type called out for the miles kei car tranny but I might play it safe depending on the feedback from the subaru group.

Anyway I am testing amsoil severe gear in my automatic dodge 1500 crewcab w/ topper along with moly in both the rearend and crankcase. My initial set of 105mile ABA tests show about a 3/4MPG increase going out and a 2mpg increase coming back from the lifetime highway average of 14.7mpg (yes I have many ABA tests on this route and yes the mileage on this thing sucks) Main issue is that temperatures vary along with wind along the route, oddly my after oil/gear oil change ABA test was during colder than normal weather and there was head and side winds. I drove (for me) normally varying from 40-65mph depending on how the wind and slant was. There are 4 "in town" sections all above 35mph meaning about 15 miles in town on the route and 5 stops.

Not as good as I was hoping, now that I am laid off it is unlikely I will be able to get too many more ABA tests on that route, AH well

Thank You for any moly suggestions

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