Originally Posted by brihoo2k
Having speed feedback back going to the controller would turn it into more like a flux vector drive. With a set up like that you could actually turn it into a home made cruise control 
Fran has made a number of vector drive controllers, and I just talked with him this morning after reading these messages (I love Gmail Chat!). He suggested that you just put a small magnet on the motor shaft, and have a cheap hall effect magnet sensor near by. Here's one that would work:
Hall Effect Magnet Sensor!
It switches off when a magnet is near by. The switching time is like 1.3 millionths of a second, and since the RPM wouldn't be over 10,000 (THAT'S PER MINUTE ! HAHA! MINUTE! SLOW POKE MOTOR!), it becomes pretty easy to figure out RPM, how RPM is changing, how the change in RPM is changing, ... and you can then control RPM by limiting the PWM duty. That sounds fun!
That feature would be an extra $6 though. Not for everyone... Only those with fat bank accounts.
So a CAM sensor isn't a camera sensor? OOps. I thought that was a picture of a camera in motor_control's picture up there. hehe.