I'm interested in diesel_john's rear aero treatment.
The more I look at the full size pic the better I like this back.
I know how hard it can be to do a back when the liftgate / body cut is on the rear panel and not on the side.
Can you please start a new thread with some details on this one? Or if the thread exists and I missed it - post the link?
Here's a pic of what I had for a couple months this past summer. I tore it off when I wanted to clean up the car so it wouldn't look like it was Ma and Pa Kettle's (google it, I guess, if that's not familiar to you).
You can see the taped joint at upper right were top piece meets side. Had to be untaped and retaped every time I opened the tailgate. Plus duct tape residue all over the place. As with other mods, no confirmation that it actually helped. But if using a good clean design I think it has to help.