Gosh, that was a grind. OK, so there is an Airtech Dustbin fairing, and that's the kind you want for speed or economy. To win a race, you have to figure out what the competition is doing poorly, as well as getting everything else right. In airflow, that usually means more attention to detail, to keep the flow smooth everywhere. If your forks get light, a small wing is probably going to work out as well as a redesign, unless there are new tricks to try.
If crosswinds are a factor, it is probably good to have some fairly sharp contours between the front and side, to spoil any lift if it starts to build up. Of course, you want a gentle stall, too, or buffeting will be a lot worse.
Re: high power/weight ratios: Perhaps because I've gotten to so many useful places by bicycle and by heavy truck, when it comes to sporty machinery, I still think it is more fun to see how much time I can spend with the pedal to the metal, and plotting to conserve that momentum, rather than minding my traction for a burst of acceleration.