Originally Posted by Bicycle Bob
If your forks get light, a small wing is probably going to work out as well as a redesign, unless there are new tricks to try.
If crosswinds are a factor, it is probably good to have some fairly sharp contours between the front and side, to spoil any lift if it starts to build up. Of course, you want a gentle stall, too, or buffeting will be a lot worse.
Tony Foale suggested putting the small wings on the axle of the front wheel, where they do not load the suspension. There they have to be short, of course, for turns, which hurts their efficiency.
Originally Posted by Christopher Jordan
Poor guy. Must be all upset that some guy in a 42" wide 3-wheel[...]
I looked at those velomobile fairings at the link you posted. Most *are* 3-wheel. That makes crosswinds' effects on the fairing much less of an issue.
In Texas at least, 3 wheeled vehicles are classified as motorcycles too.